Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rather than try to catch up, we will just move forward. The following pictures are just a glimpse of where we have been over the past year. Oh yeah, the Halloween pictures may need a little explaining. It is Halloween (my son does not always have blue hair), Austin does know how to smile, though refuses to do so when the camera is pointing at him, and is desperately trying to dress up like Troy Bolton (from High School Musical - in case that needed explaining) for Halloween, and Haylie is......dressed up.

Well, believe it or not, I am still alive. Has that been a quick year or what? Lots of things to catch up on, for sure. My 13-year-old son has just completed his Eagle project, the last of my boys, and I am thrilled. He sent care packages to the military over in Kuwait. He was able to send 60 of them. The rest of us are hanging in there. Miltary deployment is about to come to an end, for which we are grateful. Our son's mission in Brazil----wish that were going as fast---is nearing the end as well. Here are some updated pictures of everyone.

The Proclamation: A Guide and Banner for Family

The Family: In learning and reading about families for the last several weeks, my testimony has been strengthened about the truthfuln...