Monday, July 16, 2007

help...get me off this treadmill

This has been just a couple of crazy weeks and I am not sure what I have to show for it. It is like that feeling of being on a treadmill and it goes faster and faster, but I am not moving anywhere and I can't jump off or I will fall flat on my face. We are in the last 8 days now of mission preparation and sending my son off to Brazil, and trying to get those last-minute tasks done to have him ready to go and completely screwing up. I sent him down to the health department to get what I thought were his last 2 shots, thinking great, one more thing to cross off the list, and he comes home and asks about another off he goes again the next day. I take him to the drivers' license division to get his license extended, only to realize, stupidly, that it won't even come in time, so he is stuck with the temporary, and half way home I remember that he is supposed to have a copy of his driving record so back we go to take a number and wait in line again, and so it goes. We are hoping the visa will come in time, but at least that won't be my fault, i sent him the papers, even though they were sent back because we forget to sign them...oh well. At the same time, we are having our wood floors refinished, long overdue, and ordering carpet for 2 bedrooms. When all is said and done, our son will be on his way to Brazil and we will have beautified our house, and we can least for a few days... it is then off to girls' camp and, dare I say it, starting preparations for school. FIre up that treadmill.

The Proclamation: A Guide and Banner for Family

The Family: In learning and reading about families for the last several weeks, my testimony has been strengthened about the truthfuln...