Friday, October 5, 2007

It is october already??

Time sure seems to be flying fast. Even my 12-year-old the other day asked me why it seemed like time went so fast. I told him, overall, that is a good thing, it means your life is full of great things that keep you busy - a much better alternative than having nothing to do and having to "kill time". A few weeks ago, I had such an experience. I have not been bored in at least 15 years; i will admit there were a few times when the children were small that I found myself wishing for something more to do than wait for my husband to get home and take over, but a few weeks ago, on a Friday night, I found myself "bored". It was National Guard weekend and Russ was gone, Taylor was at a birthday party, Austin was working, and Haylie had a friend over. I usually relish time alone in my house to do whatever I want, so I don't know what was different, but I kind of felt lonely. I found myself wondering if this was how life was going to be now - with the missionary gone, husband getting ready to deploy, and the other 3 kids involved in activities that kept them busy. That feeling quickly ended and I haven't had it again, but what I found is that was a small blessing and it sure changed the way I think about the things that keep me busy in my life. My average day includes waking at 6:00 am, showering, scripture reading, getting kids ready for school (the older kids are gone by 7:20 and the youngest at 8:00), reading scriptures with them, taking my turn at the junior high carpool, coming home, straightening the house, getting my youngest out the door. I drop her off, hopefully I am still smiling, and go pick up my first batch of medical tapes for the day. I come home and generally work until 10:30, then might eat something, and usually my second batch of medical tapes gets delivered and I pretty much work until the kids get home from school starting at about 2:30. In between all of this I am throwing in laundry, calling to yell at insurance, paying bills, visiting teaching, having presidency meetings, etc.. At 2:30 the real rat race begins and each day is filled with something different. Right now Taylor is in football and Austin is running cross country, each taking a 2-hour practice a day. Austin is driving himself to and from, not even arriving home from school until 5:30 each day, and then a couple of days a week getting to work by 6:00. Monday is early day and there is, usually no activity to run to for Haylie, dad takes care of football for Taylor. Tuesday Haylie has dance, wednesday it is gymnastics (and taylor's football games,), as well as youth activity night at church for me and the boys. Thursday Haylie has activity days and right now is, for 3 more weeks, cheerleading for flag football and so she practices on Thursday. I have YW volleyball this day as well. Friday Haylie has a drama class and Friday is my temple day as well as grocery shopping day (I only get my first batch of medical tapes on Friday - usually). Saturday we have cheerleading and usually cross country meets to which I try to attend most of them. Sunday, of course, is filled with meetings for church and family time. All in all, we live a pretty busy and full life, and no one really feels too overwhelmed, it sounds crazier than it feels. It is really weird, but after spending a lot of time feeling overwhelmed with running around, getting things done, working, and doing my church business, i, again, have come to realize that there is much to be grateful for. I am grateful for having a choice of what to wear and having clothes to wash, I am grateful for having the choice of what to make for dinner. I am thankful for the job I have which provides me with the money I have that meets our needs and allows for our children to be involved in such great activities, as well as a great minivan to take me there. . My sons-in law swear they will never drive a minivan and ask if we are excited to only have 3 kids left at home so we can get rid of it). I happen to love my minivan and will probably always have one, there are the grandkids to cart around after that. My job also helps pay for my son's mission, and the greatest thing about it is that I don't ever have to leave my house to work. what a blessing. Anyway, I realize there is much to keep us busy, but when we look at is like that instead of the drudgery of doing it all, it feels different, and very fulfilling. Have a great October.

1 comment:

susie-k said...

great post Michelle - and great pics of Jaycie!! I swear she looks just like Haylie!! Or is just my bad memory?

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