Thursday, October 25, 2007

big brother and big sister

kolby rex losee


Do you ever notice how those things that make our lives more convenient are the things we feel like cursing? Like the times when you work on the computer forever and then it has a glitch and there went everything you worked on for the last several hours? This has been a car month for us. We own 3 of them, you would think one of them would be nice and stay fixed? The month started off great, our fourth grandbaby was born, Kolby Rex Losee, weighing 7 lb 6 oz, 19 inches long, on October 8, 2007. We had the siblings. As we were leaving to go take the children to see their new brother and deposit them with their father for the evening, our van sprung a leak from the radiator hose and antifreeze was spewing out all over the parking lot of ShopKo - I am sure that was much appreciated. That was settled, baby is beautiful (pictures included), and problem fixed.

A few days later, my husband calls and tells me that his new truck, only a days old (to us) has been in a car accident and has been smashed in---so it actually sounded much worse than it actually was, more internal damage, so off it goes to have all the estimates done. No sooner did we complete that little project and my 16-year-old son calls (I think I might quit answering the phone) to tell me that he hit something on the side of the road which ripped off the rearview mirror and caused it to come charging through the passenger front window, shattering the window. As it was raining, we threw a deflated air mattress over the top of it for the night and called the glass people the following morning. THis facilitated us having to drive said son to school and work (should have made him walk- but he is just so cute). Then, van starts making a horrible squeaking sound, brakes have worn down and hitting the wear bar. My husband snuck off to a night by himself in Park City only to have his check engine light come on during the quite ride home. That truck was placed in the shop to have tested, spark plugs and wires replaced to it will pass emissions, and the car repair place says they can't figure out what the problem is totally but the engine is now missing and can't be driven at all and will take several days to fix as they were about to rip into the engine. Well, quiet I am not and I inisted that my husband call and give them a piece of his mind, which, to my surprise, they did, thus having the shop pull their most experienced mechanic off another job and put him on this one... He checks things over and finds, get this, a loose wire, plugs it back together and voila, we are back in business. My husband, who had been driving the white car, decides that the no heat problem that both of my sons, for years, had been complaining about was real and we took that in to get fixed as well. So, for the time being, we are back in business, but did I mention that there is a 9-inch crack in the truck windshield and those brakes in the van are still squeaking? But I tell you what, that baby is sure cute. Hope everyone is well and having a great month.

The Proclamation: A Guide and Banner for Family

The Family: In learning and reading about families for the last several weeks, my testimony has been strengthened about the truthfuln...